Best Solar Inverters in South Africa

I’ve got a confession: I used to be the loudest anti-solar guy in the room. Yep, you heard me right. I thought solar was a fad, a hippy-dippy pipe dream that would never amount to much. Boy, was I wrong!

Fast forward a few years, and I am a full-blown solar convert. And you know what changed my mind? The best solar inverters in South Africa. These unsung heroes are the backbone of any solar setup, quietly working their magic to keep the power flowing.

Imagine harnessing our sunny skies’ power in South Africa—let me show you how it’s done, step by step. I’ll guide you through the wild world of solar inverters and help you find the best of the best. Bet on it – we’re looking at a real revolution.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the top solar inverters for sale in South Africa. These companies are at the forefront of the renewable energy revolution, providing cutting-edge technology and exceptional customer support.

Whether you are a homeowner, business owner, or industry professional, this guide aims to help you make informed decisions about selecting the best solar inverter for your specific needs. It considers factors such as efficiency, reliability, affordability, and compatibility with South Africa’s unique conditions and grid requirements.

Key Takeaway: 

The best solar inverters in South Africa include Sunsynk, Fronius, SolarEdge, Sungrow, SMA, Huawei, GoodWe and Victron Energy, MLT Drives, Microcare Solar Systems, Ellies Renewable Energy, SolaX Power Africa, Renewvia Energy South Africa, Canadian Solar South Africa and JA Solar for reliable options that offer residential, commercial or industrial solutions for every setup.

When picking the best solar inverter, focus on your power needs, go for trusted brands, balance quality with price, ensure it matches your panels, and check warranty and support. Choosing a suitable solar inverter is critical to maximising energy conversion, performance, and cost-effectiveness.

13+ Best Solar Inverters in South Africa

The best solar inverters in South Africa include Sunsynk, Fronius, SolarEdge, Sungrow, SMA, Huawei, GoodWe and Victron Energy, MLT Drives, Microcare Solar Systems, Ellies Renewable Energy, SolaX Power Africa, Renewvia Energy South Africa, Canadian Solar South Africa, and JA Solar. These reliable options offer residential, commercial, or industrial solutions for every setup. Let’s look at some of the top solar inverter brands in South Africa.

As South Africa continues to embrace renewable energy, the demand for efficient and reliable solar power solutions has skyrocketed.


Sunsynk is a leading solar inverter brand known for its high efficiency and reliability. It offers advanced features, making it suitable for both residential and commercial applications. Sunsynk inverters are designed to handle complex power needs and provide seamless integration with solar panels, batteries, and the grid. They are also known for their durability and strong after-sales support, ensuring long-term performance and customer satisfaction. Sunsynk stands out for its innovation in energy management, helping users maximise their solar energy usage.


Fronius is a well-known and respected brand in the solar industry, and for good reason. Their inverters are known for their high efficiency, reliability, and ease of use. One of their standout products is the Fronius Primo, a single-phase inverter perfect for residential installations. It offers a wide input voltage range and a variety of monitoring and control options.


If you’re talking innovation and sheer product quality, then you’ve got to mention SolarEdge – they’re at the forefront of that conversation. Their inverters feature power optimisers that help maximise energy production and minimise shading issues. The SolarEdge HD-Wave inverter is a popular choice for both residential and commercial installations. It offers high efficiency, small size, and advanced safety features.


Sungrow, a dynamic player from China, is swiftly climbing the ranks in the solar market worldwide. Their inverters are known for their high efficiency, reliability, and competitive pricing. The Sungrow SG5KTL-MT is an excellent option for residential installations. It offers a wide MPPT voltage range, multiple protection features, and easy installation and maintenance.


SMA is a German company with a long history of innovation in the solar industry. Everyone’s talking about how these inverters keep going strong year after year. They’re dependable and boast the latest bells and whistles, too. The SMA Sunny Boy is a popular choice for residential installations. It offers high efficiency, easy commissioning, and a variety of monitoring and control options.


Huawei is a Chinese company better known for its smartphones and telecommunications equipment. But they’re also quickly making a name for themselves in the solar industry. If you’re eyeing a new setup for your place or business, the Huawei SUN2000L is a top pick that won’t let you down. Not only does it boost your system’s efficiency sky-high, but it also throws in several MPPTs into the mix alongside a buffet of tracking and managing tools just for you.


GoodWe is another Chinese company that’s making waves in the solar industry. Their inverters are known for their high efficiency, reliability, and affordable pricing. The GoodWe GW5048D-ES is a popular choice for residential installations. It offers a wide MPPT voltage range, multiple protection features, and easy installation and maintenance.

Victron Energy

Last but not least, we have Victron Energy. Hailing from the land of windmills and tulips, this firm crafts some seriously reliable inverters plus all you need to harness solar power effectively. One of their standout products is the Victron MultiPlus, a multi-functional inverter that can handle both grid-tied and off-grid applications. It offers pure sine wave output, multiple configurable relay options, and a variety of monitoring and control features.


MLT Drives / MLT Inverters

MLT Drives / MLT Inverters is one of the top solar inverter manufacturers in South Africa. MLT has established itself as a trusted name in the industry with a strong focus on quality and reliability.

Their range of solar inverters is designed to meet the diverse needs of residential, commercial, and industrial customers, offering solutions for both grid-tied and off-grid applications.

Microcare Solar Systems

Microcare Solar Systems is another leading solar inverter manufacturer in South Africa. Known for their innovative technology and customer-centric approach, Microcare has been at the forefront of the solar revolution in the country.

Their inverters are renowned for their high efficiency, durability, and ease of use, making them a popular choice among solar installers and end-users.

Ellies Renewable Energy

Ellies Renewable Energy is a prominent solar inverter manufacturer in the South African market. With a solid commitment to sustainability and a passion for renewable energy, Ellies has been instrumental in driving the nationwide adoption of solar power.

Their inverters are designed to withstand the harsh African climate, ensuring optimal performance and longevity even in the most challenging conditions.

SolaX Power Africa

SolaX Power Africa is critical in the South African solar inverter industry. As a global SolaX Power group subsidiary, they bring international expertise and cutting-edge technology to the local market.

SolaX inverters are known for their smart features, remote monitoring capabilities, and seamless integration with energy storage systems, making them a top choice for those looking to maximise their solar investment.

Renewvia Energy South Africa

Renewvia Energy South Africa is a significant solar inverter manufacturer in the country. Focusing on innovation and customer satisfaction, Renewvia has been at the forefront of the solar revolution in South Africa.

Their inverters are designed to deliver exceptional performance, reliability, and value for money, making them a popular choice among solar enthusiasts and professionals.

Canadian Solar South Africa

Canadian Solar South Africa is a notable solar inverter manufacturer operating in South Africa. As part of the global Canadian Solar group, they bring world-class technology and expertise to the local market.

Canadian Solar inverters are renowned for their high efficiency, reliability, and compatibility with a wide range of solar panels for sale, making them a top choice for both residential and commercial installations.

JA Solar South Africa

JA Solar South Africa is among the top solar inverter manufacturers in the South African market. With a strong focus on research and development, JA Solar is constantly pushing the boundaries of solar technology.

Their inverters are designed to deliver exceptional performance, even in challenging conditions, making them a popular choice for those looking to maximise their solar energy production.


So there you have it, folks. Those are some of the top solar inverter brands available in South Africa. Let’s not overlook all the other amazing choices available as well. Start by hitting the books (or maybe just a few clicks online), pinpoint exactly what your heart desires and wallet can handle, and then team up with an expert installer who’ll make sense of it all for you. With a suitable inverter and a little sunshine, you’ll be well on your way to energy independence and savings.


Types of Solar Inverters Available in South Africa

South Africa offers various options to suit different needs and preferences regarding solar inverters. There’s an inverter for every application, from string inverters to hybrid and off-grid solutions.

As someone who has worked with various types of solar inverters over the years, I can attest to the importance of choosing the right one for your specific requirements. The type of inverter you select can significantly impact the performance, efficiency, and overall success of your solar installation.

In this section, we’ll explore the three main types of solar inverters available in the South African market: string solar inverters, hybrid inverters, and off-grid inverters. We’ll delve into their unique features, benefits, and suitability for different applications, helping you decide when to select the best inverter for your needs.

String Solar Inverters

String solar inverters are a popular type of inverter used in South Africa for solar power systems. These inverters are designed to handle multiple strings of solar panels, making them suitable for larger installations.

One of the main advantages of string inverters is their simplicity and cost-effectiveness. They are relatively easy to install and maintain, and their centralised design allows for efficient power conversion and monitoring.

Hybrid Inverters

Hybrid inverters are another common type of solar inverter available in the South African market. They are capable of handling both grid-tied and off-grid applications. These versatile inverters can seamlessly switch between solar power, battery storage, and the utility grid, depending on the available energy sources and the load requirements.

Hybrid solar inverters are an excellent choice for those looking to maximise their energy independence and resilience. They allow for the integration of battery storage and can provide backup power during grid outages.

Off-grid Inverters

Off-grid inverters are designed for solar power systems that are not connected to the utility grid, making them suitable for remote or standalone installations in South Africa. These inverters are specifically engineered to work with battery storage systems, ensuring a reliable and continuous power supply even without grid electricity.

Off-grid solar inverters are ideal for rural areas, remote lodges, and other applications where access to the utility grid is limited or non-existent. They provide a sustainable and self-sufficient energy solution, allowing users to harness and store the sun’s power for later use.

When selecting an off-grid inverter, it’s crucial to consider factors such as the size of your solar array, your daily energy consumption, and your battery bank’s capacity. Working with a knowledgeable solar professional can help you determine the best off-grid inverter solution for your specific needs.


Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Solar Inverter

Choosing the best solar inverter for your home or business is a big decision. And it shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are a lot of factors to consider, from solar power requirements to inverter brand reputation. But don’t worry, I’m here to break it all down for you.

Size and capacity

First things first, you need to think about your power requirements. Wondering how much solar power you need to churn out? What kind of appliances and devices will you be running? This will help you determine the size and capacity of the inverter you need. You don’t want to end up with an inverter that can’t handle your solar panels or your household’s power usage.

Inverter Brand Reputation

Next up is brand reputation. You want to choose an inverter from a reputable brand with a proven quality and reliability track record. Choosing well-established brands with solid industry reputations never goes out of style. Skim over customer opinions to gather how people feel about their encounters. Of course, price is always a factor. But when it comes to solar inverters, you don’t want to skimp on quality to save a few bucks. There are plenty of affordable options out there that still offer excellent performance and reliability. It’s all about finding the right balance between price and quality.

Compatibility with Solar Panels

Another essential factor to consider is compatibility with your solar panels. Not all inverters are compatible with all types of panels, so you need to choose one that will work with your setup. This is where working with a knowledgeable solar installer can come in handy. They can help you choose an inverter that works seamlessly with your panels and overall system.

Warranty and After-sales Support

Finally, don’t forget about warranty and after-sales support. A suitable inverter should come with a solid warranty that covers any defects or issues that may arise. And if something goes wrong, you want to know that you can count on the manufacturer or installer to provide prompt and helpful support. Look for companies with a reputation for excellent customer service and support.


So, there you have it, folks – the inside scoop on the best solar inverters in South Africa. We’ve covered the top brands, the key factors to consider, and some insider tips to help you make the right choice.

But investing in a solar inverter isn’t just about saving a few bucks on your electricity bill. It’s about taking control of your power, embracing sustainability, and being part of the solution.

I know it can seem daunting at first, but trust me, you’ll never look back once you experience the freedom and satisfaction of generating your own clean energy. So, what are you waiting for? Take the leap, join the solar revolution, and let’s build a brighter future together – one inverter at a time.



Which are the best solar inverters for home in South Africa?

The best solar inverters in South Africa include Sunsynk, Fronius, SolarEdge, Sungrow, SMA, Huawei, GoodWe and Victron Energy, MLT Drives, Microcare Solar Systems, Ellies Renewable Energy, SolaX Power Africa, Renewvia Energy South Africa, Canadian Solar South Africa, and JA Solar. These reliable options offer residential, commercial, or industrial solutions for every setup. Let’s look at some of the top solar inverter brands in South Africa.

What are the top 5 inverters?

The top 5 inverters include Sunsynk, Fronius, SolarEdge, Sungrow, Canadian Solar South Africa.

Is SunSynk the best inverter?

Yes, Sunsynk is the best inverter on our list.

About the Author


Charite Leta

Managing Director Solar Square

Charite Leta is a current PhD Economics Candidate with a specialised focus in environmental and energy economics. Their academic journey has been marked by a deep commitment to understanding the complex interplay between economic systems and environmental policies. With a keen interest in renewable energy sources and sustainable economic development, the author's research primarily investigates the economic impacts of environmental changes and energy policies.

Their work aims to contribute significantly to the formulation of more effective and sustainable economic strategies, particularly in the context of climate change and renewable energy adoption. As an emerging scholar in the field, the author combines rigorous economic analysis with a passion for environmental stewardship, aiming to provide insights that support the transition towards more sustainable and economically resilient communities. Through their research, the author seeks to bridge the gap between economic theory and environmental policy, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

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